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3 Ways Discount Shoppers ShopDifferently


Value-driven consumers, coupon cutters, and sale fanatics – a group known as “discount shoppers” – are constantly looking to save money and get the best deals on things they need (and sometimes don’t). And whether they enter a grocery store with a list of products in mind or impulse-buy based on in-store offers, discount shoppers are motivated by value and perceived savings. Research found 84% of people said price impacts what they will buy and 61% deemed this the most important factor in the purchase-making decision.

Knowing that, how can grocers appeal to these valuable, value-driven shoppers? And what makes them different from “regular” customers? First, we must understand what motivates the discount shopper.

They Will Shop Wherever the Deals Are

Discount shoppers may ditch brand loyalty for a good deal. They are willing to follow sales or deals to stores they may not normally frequent and travel greater distances to get there. Sales and in-store offers are great ways for retailers to attract customers that may not usually shop in a particular store. From there, retailers can win over these shoppers to return in the future by creating a clean, organized, easy-to-shop store.

They Will Stock Up & Save

For a great price, discount shoppers are willing to buy more than they need and save items for later use. Whether shelf-stable groceries or cleaning supplies, shoppers in this group often have “stockpiles” of spare items and may even be willing to share these items with friends, family or donate the excess to charity.

They Research & Compare Prices Ahead of Time

The best deals take a little bit of planning. So, whether clipping paper (or digital) coupons or browsing the weekly ads, discount shoppers have a list, and a plan and they know exactly which products and quantities they are going to purchase before even stepping foot in the store. This means product display is crucial when it comes to easily locating specific items within the store. Those coupons don’t work on just anything.

Whether shopping the sales or armed with coupons, discount shoppers need to find very specific products in order to save. Make locating products in your store easy by improving your in-store display with pusher trays from Retail Space Solutions. Browse available options or request a free quote here or call 0086-15658242255

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Contact: Mr.Fan

Phone: 008619538595779

E-mail: jimmyfan520202@gmail.com


Add: No.8 intersection of Yaochang road and Shizhang line Sanzhuang Town ,Siyang City